Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Interesting Article: Comparing the Two Outdoor Hockey Games

Great article comparing the two.  In different cities, in two different types of venues, with different rivalries on the line, this article takes a look at it all.  Even with all the things better about Camp Randall Stadium (food, better seats, better game experience) I would not change my experience at the Frozen Fenway, and neither would this writer, giving it the 4-3 edge.  After reading this, heres my likes and dislikes about my experience.

What I liked about Fenway Park:

1) Pre-game atmosphere.  It was exciting.  I went to the Cask n' Flagon and then and had a blast.  Fans from both teams were all over the place getting excited for the game and having a hockey game on before helped get the hockey feeling going

2) The nostalgia.  I've been to Fenway Park many times, but this was an awesome experience.  It snowed for most of the 1st period giving it the true outdoor feel.

3) The rivalry.  Glad it was BC-BU and nothing else.  I'm also glad it wasnt the Beanpot which many were hoping for as the viewing experience wasn't great and that game is too big for fans not to be able to see.  It also could have prevented BC and BU from playing in the finals.

What I wish Fenway Park Had:

1) A tradition like Camp Randall.  The jump around video scene from the hockey game below is one of the great traditions in College Football and its great that it spread to College Hockey

2) Change in Food and Drink.  I know that its Fenway Park, so Fenway Franks should be everywhere, but there has to be some sort of hockey (cold weather) food they could have served.  Hot chocolate wasn't enough and some sort of warm meal may have done the trick to keep warm.

3) Better Seats/ Big Screens.  Nothing Fenway park could do about this, but they could have put a screen near the ice so fans in center field knew what was going on.  The experience there was more about the party, which was a blast, but would have liked to see more.

Overall, I never would give my experience up for any other game, but its cool to see the differences.

Hidden Gem: Daytona 500

Because it's the Mother of All Races for NASCAR Daddies.  This is pure party, party, party.  The winner is considered the Super Bowl Champion and it leads to the entire season.