Friday, December 18, 2009

My Thoughts: Its The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Its the most wonderful time of the year... and not (only) because of Christmas and New Years.  Its Bowl Season, my favorite time of the year.  Not only is football on (almost) every day from today on, with NFL and College Football games taking turns in the spotlight, but it is a chance to see so many teams, and so many players, get their chance at the spotlight, and get to end their season as winners.  Personally, I am not a fan of the BCS system.  Don't get me wrong, I love the idea of bowl games for teams like Boston College, Central Michigan, Stanford and others.  Its an experience no one would forget (if you haven't been to a bowl game, go).  I personally am going to the USC-BC game in San Francisco this year.  The winning team won't even be ranked not to mention in the National Championship hunt, but boy am I excited.  But to decide the National Champion,something must be done differently

Imagine if we had the chance to see the top 8 teams in a winner take all tournament.  Just look at the first round: #1 Alabama v. Ohio State, #2 Texas v. Oregon, #3 Cincinnati v. Boise State, and the 4-5 Match-up of TCU and Florida.  Who says those wouldn't be exciting.  How about a Final four of Texas v. Cincinnati, and an Alabama Florida rematch.  What if TCU upsets Florida and has the chance to prove themselves vs back-to-back SEC opponents.  The battles could be priceless.  Yes maybe a few BCS memories will be removed.  Stories lilke Ian Johnson proposing to his girlfriend after upsetting Oklahoma in the Fiesta Bowl and others may be lost, but do you think they wouldn't give that up to know they had a chance at a National Championship?  As soon as Boise won that game they were asked one question "Do you think you should get a shot at the National Championship?"  YES they should, it wouldnt ruin the amazing game they played, or the awesome upsets.  And yes, the regular season is sort of a playoff.  But Cincinnati won all their playoff games, so did TCU and Boise State.  They dont benefit.  And to say there wouldn't be controversy, what would Georgia Tech think if they barely missed out... or what would  Florida say when GT gets in over them because one team from every conference must get in.

Memories and thrill still occur in sporst with a playoff.  In College Basketball we still remember the upsets (even when teams went on to lose by 40 the next week).  I still remember where I was when Hampton beat Iowa State or Bucknell upset Kansas.  I still remember what I was doing when Craig Smith (with ice in his veins) hit two freethrows in overtime with 1 second left to send the game into 2nd overtime vs. Pacific.  Even college baseball, I watched all 27 innings of BC v. Texas on internet TV.  BC lost and was later eliminated, Texas made it to the title game and didnt prevail.  Think that ruins that game for the Texas fans, many of which sat in the stadium for hours on end?  I dont think so.  Give these guys a chance at the title.  There are smart people running the BCS, you can find a way to make more money off this, thats what its all about isnt it?

With controversy or not, enjoy the Bowl Season.  Go to a game if there is one year you, take an extra drive and tailgate, go to the fanfest, and watch the passion.  Join a pool with your buddies and see who really knows the college game the best.  Do it for a few bucks or just pride, I know telling my buddies that I won is more important to me than anything else.  Most of all, enjoy the season, there is nothing better than family and friends, and there is nothing that brings my family and friends together more than the comradery of sports.  Enjoy the season!

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