Friday, August 11, 2017

The Dollar Game

Baseball is great.  It is also sometimes slow.  To help make the breaks more enjoyable, my friends and I play the dollar game.  I'm always asked the rules that I play with, so rather than rehash via they are. 

Enjoy the game!

Whats Required:
  • 2-5 people
  • $1/$5 bills preferred (can use all-star ballots, pieces of paper and a pen.etc)

Draft/Player Rules:
  • Draft is done snake style - typically 2 players selectedper person (no pitchers)
    • To add a 3rd person to each roster, in the 3rd round you 'select' a player for someone else's team
  • Payout is whatever is decided on the field at the time - any re-scoring is not made up
  • If a player is taken out of a game, you take the player that replaces him.  In a double switch, take the position in the field that is replaced


Everyone pays you: You pay everyone:
Single - $1
Strike Out Swinging - $1
Double - $2
Strike Out Looking - $2
Triple - $3
Caught Stealing - $1
Homerun - $4
Make an Error - $1
RBI - $1
GIDP - $2
Stolen Base - $1

Below are some additional rules I have also seen played that I do not:
-$1/hit of any type + double score for a home run (single, double, triple worth $1 +$1/RBI, home run worth =(1+RBI) x2

Reach out or comment with any updates


Sunday, August 6, 2017

Ballparks and Strange Food

I have the pleasure of spending a lot of time in Cape Cod every summer.  Every year, I go to a Cape Cod Baseball League game or two.  This year, I decided to venture beyond Harwich and Chatham.

I posted a few weeks ago about taking my daughter to Orleans.  That field has the most charm of any I've seen, with the hills set up for lawn chairs, picnics and some catch in the outfield.  To me, it was the quintessential Cape Cod Baseball Field.

This week, I went somewhere with a similar, yet also very different charm.  I ventured to Red Wilson Field in Yarmouth-Dennis for a Cape Cod Playoff game between the YD Red Sox (3 time reigning champs) and Brewster Whitecaps.  When I first walked to the field, the main thing I noticed was the open space around the field.  There was a lot of flat grass available, more than expected from the street.  This was taken up by little kids playing catch and tag and parents trying to watch botht heir kids and the game.  It left space for lawn chairs to sit almost directly behind home plate giving amazing access.  Behind them, bleacher seats to give space for more people to watch.  Down the line, more lawn chairs, and more bleacher seats.

behind home plate - 6 rows back

The most amazing part, was the bleacher seats directly down the line...15 feet from the foul line, looking into both dugouts.  This unparalleled access was something I havent seen at any of the other parks I visited.  With no fence in front of it, and not much space from the field, you really felt a part of the game.  You felt for someone when they struck out and were excited after a great play in the field.  It was a cool experience that brought me slightly back to playing again.

seats down the line
the separation, lawn chairs or in the 'bleachers'

But thats not why I went to Red Wilson Field in Yarmouth.  I went for the of the most creative foods around.. their Dunkin' Donuts Burger.  This burger has been famously sold at Red Wilson Field since the 1990s.  It is, exactly as it sounds, a nice cooked burger (with cheese if you want!) inside of a Dunkin' Donut.  There are many options including glazed, chocolate glazed, jelly and Boston cream.  When asked why it was created, the inventor Burger Bob said "Why wouldn't you put all the key food groups together?  Donut, burgers, easy cheese."  I (guess) its hard to argue with that...

You're probably thinking..."Gross, why would I want that?"

I did too, but I'm always willing to try something once.  I ordered the Jelly Glazed Donut with Cheese.  As I took my first bite, I was quite surprised, the sweet Jelly actually fit nicely with the crispy burger.  The cheese taste, which is somewhat overwhelmed by the jelly adds a nice final touch.  Strangely enough, I enjoyed the burger.  I gave a bite to my father in law, and wife...they both agreed.

So if you are ever in Cape Cod, and want to eat something you haven't eaten before, head to Red Wilson Field and try the Dunkin' Donut Burger.

Do I look like I'm enjoying?

The famous shack to snag a burger

Daughter didnt get to try a burger, but enjoyed the game