Friday, August 11, 2017

The Dollar Game

Baseball is great.  It is also sometimes slow.  To help make the breaks more enjoyable, my friends and I play the dollar game.  I'm always asked the rules that I play with, so rather than rehash via they are. 

Enjoy the game!

Whats Required:
  • 2-5 people
  • $1/$5 bills preferred (can use all-star ballots, pieces of paper and a pen.etc)

Draft/Player Rules:
  • Draft is done snake style - typically 2 players selectedper person (no pitchers)
    • To add a 3rd person to each roster, in the 3rd round you 'select' a player for someone else's team
  • Payout is whatever is decided on the field at the time - any re-scoring is not made up
  • If a player is taken out of a game, you take the player that replaces him.  In a double switch, take the position in the field that is replaced


Everyone pays you: You pay everyone:
Single - $1
Strike Out Swinging - $1
Double - $2
Strike Out Looking - $2
Triple - $3
Caught Stealing - $1
Homerun - $4
Make an Error - $1
RBI - $1
GIDP - $2
Stolen Base - $1

Below are some additional rules I have also seen played that I do not:
-$1/hit of any type + double score for a home run (single, double, triple worth $1 +$1/RBI, home run worth =(1+RBI) x2

Reach out or comment with any updates


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